Who We Are

We make the bag you bring with you for every errand...

Pines & Needles was made with you in mind. You're busy, on the go, trying to stay organized, and maybe exist in a little bit of constant chaos. You want to feel confident you have everything you need with you. You want to feel organized amongst the chaos of weekly errands, events or tasks.

Our bags are thoughtfully designed with extra pockets in a variety of sizes, then handmade from sustainable materials that last! You should be able to depend on your bag to keep your items safe and organized. We love to create our bags from beeswaxed canvas - which is a water resistant and highly durable textile.

We value quality, sustainability and simple practicality. Kick trends and fast fashion to the curb - our bags are hand made to outlast your friend's latest Target bag, or the latest trend. 

We believe that you should be able to leave your house confident and organized - no matter what life throws at you. We believe you should be able to depend on your bag to carry your possessions safely and securely. Do you?