About the Owner

Hi! My name is Amberlee and I'm the owner and hand maker behind Pines & Needles! I'm a Christian, SAHM (pregnant with my first), wife, golden retriever owner, and ambitious crafter. I have always enjoyed crafting, designing and creating things with my hands. In my teen years I learned to sew with the help of my mom and grandma and began sewing small projects like apple watch bands and scrunchies. I then became distracted by more exciting hobbies and neglected to return to sewing until several years later. 

One day, I found myself in need of a new backpack. Being the "I can make that!" type person I was, I watched some Youtube videos, searched for a bag pattern, then ordered all the supplies. (If you're curious, the backpack pattern I decided on was the Raspberry Rucksack by Sarah Kirsten) Through this experience I found a love for the construction aspect of sewing and fell in love with bag making! Since then, I've discovered a love for sewing with waxed canvas and leather. 

When I'm not hand making bags for my business, I enjoy spending time with my husband and family. I'm a homebody, but when the weather is nice I enjoy getting outdoors in a forest-y area - especially if there's a waterfall! (Even though I am terrified of spiders...) I'm thankful that the Lord has given me the gifts I have and that I'm able to serve others with them through running this business!